Dental Implants

When missing teeth poses as an issue to complete your smile, dental implants can help restore them by functioning as artificial tooth roots.

What are dental implants?
Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that help replace missing teeth with the help of teeth supporting implants. These implants are designed and engineered to be compatible with the surrounding tissues of the mouth. Dental implants are generally made of Titanium material.

Why is it essential that you replace your missing teeth?
There are many reasons to replace one’s missing teeth:


 Missing teeth can affect the patient’s ability to speak and chew.
• Not replacing missing teeth may lead it to move to put more stress on the patient’s jaws and teeth.
• Crooked and misaligned teeth are harder to clean.
• Missing teeth can lead to loss of bone structure.
• Affects the patient’s smile.
• Deciding whether you are a candidate for implants

The dentist can help patients understand whether they are suitable for implants based on the below factors:

Good general health
If the patient has suffered from any chronic illness, it may slow the healing process and prevent the placement of implants

Good jawbone health
If the patient has insufficient jawbone health, it can be challenging to place implants as it would not promote enough support.

Good habits
Patients who have a higher chance of smoking or chewing tobacco may not be the ideal candidate for implants.

The procedure that involves placing implants depends on the anatomy or the bone structure, type of implant, and the tooth being replaced. Getting implants can involve 3-4 necessary steps

Placing the implant
The dentist would surgically put the implant in place of the missing teeth. Experiencing swelling or tenderness post its placement is natural.

The healing process
After placing the implant, the dentist would prescribe a certain healing period to ensure that the bone grows around the implant holding it in place.

Replacing the missing tooth
Replacing a single tooth would require only a single implant. It would be on the basis of the tooth’s shape, size, and color. Once the custom-restoration is built, the missing tooth would be replaced by a crown or bridge.

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COVID-19 Update

We are thrilled to announce that North Avenue Advanced Dental Center has reopened.

Infection control has always been a top priority for North Avenue Advanced Dental Center and you may have noticed this during your previous visits to our office. Our infection control processes are made so that when you receive care, it is both safe and comfortable. During the closure we have further refined our infection control procedures to include the new recommendations due to the COVID-19 pandemic per the American Dental Association (ADA), the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA). We follow the recommendations of these agencies so that we are up-to-date on any new rulings or guidance that may be issued. We do this to ensure that our infection control procedures are current and adhere to each agencies’ recommendations.