Not every teeth condition could arise due to an external injury (fracture/accident). Some injuries can be internal and could be the cause of a pulp infection. The dental pulp is composed of several blood vessels and connective tissues that are placed inside the pulp chamber. The pulp chamber is situated deep inside the enamel. Such infection can now be treated with the help of a root canal therapy by trained endodontists.
Endodontics is the branch of dentistry that is specialized in treating injuries related to the dental pulp.
Endodontic treatment is generally advised when teeth suffer from a severe infection. Dental pulp infection and inflammation mostly occurs if the patient has experienced any of the below:
• Cracked or chipped teeth
• Deep cavity or filling
• Serious injury to teeth
Root canal therapy can prevent further infection of teeth saving its natural form and structure. General steps involved in root canal therapy are:
A rubber dam material would be placed over the tooth to ensure its dry during the procedure. An opening would be made to reach for the tissues within the pulp chamber.
The endodontist would remove the infected pulp and clean out the canal chamber. Each root canal would be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected so that it can receive the filling.
The endodontist would apply medication inside the pulp chamber and root canal to treat the infection.
A temporary filling would be set inside the tooth to prevent infection of the canal.
The dentist would remove the temporary filling and restore the tooth with restoration in the form of a crown or a permanent filling. This will help strengthen the natural teeth beneath it.
We are thrilled to announce that North Avenue Advanced Dental Center has reopened.
Infection control has always been a top priority for North Avenue Advanced Dental Center and you may have noticed this during your previous visits to our office. Our infection control processes are made so that when you receive care, it is both safe and comfortable. During the closure we have further refined our infection control procedures to include the new recommendations due to the COVID-19 pandemic per the American Dental Association (ADA), the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA). We follow the recommendations of these agencies so that we are up-to-date on any new rulings or guidance that may be issued. We do this to ensure that our infection control procedures are current and adhere to each agencies’ recommendations.